What will you choose?

A few days ago, I was grocery shopping at Aldi with my 3-year-old daughter.  The store was busy as usual.  It was filled with men and women, elderly couples, and lots of young mothers with carts overflowing with groceries and little kids.  As I shopped, I found myself smiling and making casual conversation with a few of the other customers in the store.  (I just can’t seem to help myself… I’m an extrovert!)

When it was time to check-out, I ended up in line behind a mother with three little boys.  Her youngest was seated in the cart and trying desperately to “help” his mom.   Unfortunately, when things didn’t go quite how he hoped they would, he got upset.  As his frustration level rose, it appeared his mom’s anxiety level did as well.  Continue reading

An Open Letter To Christians Concerning American Politics

Dear Fellow American Christians,

Let me start out by saying, I have never written anything about politics. Quite honestly, I never thought that I would.  This has been very intentional.  You see, I don’t EVER want differences in political views/opinions to be a reason that someone gets turned away from the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Because, in my humble opinion, relationship with Jesus is the ONE thing that I think is worth putting my name/reputation on the line for.

Let me be the first to admit, that I haven’t always been a shining example of what a Christian should be.  I am so human (i.e. flawed).  But one thing I do know is that Jesus came to reconcile people like me (sinners) to God.  Continue reading