Even When It’s Cold Outside

Baby it’s cold outside! We’re talking Polar Vortex cold. For the past couple of days, my beautiful State of Minnesota has been grappling with negative temperatures and wind chills that, believe it or not, have measured colder than Antarctica!

Don’t get me wrong, we Minnesotans are tough.  Last year, when our state hosted Superbowl LII, we actually came up with the logo “Bold North” to celebrate the fact that we aren’t afraid to get out and enjoy life when the temperatures drop.  We love our winter carnival, snowmobiling, cross-country skiing, hockey, and of course – fishing on frozen lakes.

But the past few days have been RIDICULOUS!  So much so, that most of the state has been sequestered indoors.  Many of our schools have been closed for 3-4 days.  Some businesses chose not to open, mail delivery was suspended, and even the state senate called it quits!

Now I’m typically a half-glass-full kind of person.  But I have to admit, that today, the cup started to feel a little frosty.  I was definitely feeling the effects of being trapped stuck inside a house with 3 KIDS for the THIRD DAY IN A ROW!

We have officially exhausted fancy breakfasts, pillow forts, board-games, and arts and crafts.  And don’t even get me started on our ample use of screen time.  To add to the mix, my oldest son had a sleep-over last night, which means that none of us got much sleep.

Have I mentioned that I don’t function very well when I’m sleep deprived?  Well, let me make it clear. I DON’T FUNCTION WELL WHEN I’M SLEEP DEPRIVED!

Thankfully, on days when my energy is low and my emotions are running high (i.e. my fuse is very short) I can rest in the fact that I am not alone.

I have a God who promises to never leave me or forsake me (Deut 31:6) and He is my ever-present help in times of trouble. (Psalm 46:1)   You know, like those times when I’m about to go Chuck Norris on the next kid who asks me why we can’t go somewhere for the umpteenth time that day!

And when I do blow it?  Because let’s be honest, this mama is a FAR CRY from the Caroline Ingalls or Elyse Keaton’s of the world.

My God is there to help me acknowledge my weakness, confess my sin, and even use my mistake as a fresh opportunity to teach my kids about God’s amazing mercy and grace.  While we were still sinners, Christ died for us! (Rom 5:8)

Can I get an AMEN?!

This evening, as I was reflecting on everything that has transpired over the past few days, I was struck with this revelation.

Being mature in Christ doesn’t mean I won’t make mistakes.  But the more intimately I get to KNOW Jesus, the faster I am at getting BACK ON TRACK when I have obviously fallen off the rails.

We are all going to mess up from time to time.  Some days A LOT more than others!

The good news is, that the more we get to know and learn to love Jesus, the more sensitive we are to the Holy Spirit.  Which means, we are better able to listen and respond to His gentle correction.

In Romans 2:4, we are told that God’s kindness leads us to repentance.

I don’t think I really appreciated how beautiful of a truth that really is, until very recently.

The sooner we realize our part in the madness of the moment that we may have found ourselves in, the sooner we can untangle ourselves from the sin that wants to hold us captive and keep us bound up in a world of anger, hurt, disappointment, etc.  That miserable list could go on and on.

Thankfully, we have an unbelievably loving God who is not only ready, but MORE THAN WILLING TO SET US FREE!

I don’t know what kind of day you’ve had.  Maybe it was light and easy, like a warm summer breeze.  But if by chance, you found yourself on the “half-empty” (feeling kind of frosty) side of the glass today… take heart.

There is God who sees you.  He loves you.  And He is eagerly waiting to pick you up, turn you around and HELP YOU navigate the circumstances you may find yourself in.

Yes… even those POLAR VORTEXES!




2 thoughts on “Even When It’s Cold Outside

  1. Reading this, I can totally hear your voice inflections. And I love your euphemisms….”Chuck Norris”. And no mom can live up to Caroline Ingalls or Elyse Keaton. {Miss talking to you!}

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