Why we should weep for the lost

We are in the midst of Holy Week. The week that Christians around the world observe to remember and celebrate the death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

This past Sunday, many of our churches may have highlighted Jesus’ triumphal entry. That moment in history when he made his final pilgrimage to Jerusalem, humbly riding on the back of a donkey. As he did, many of the people along the route spontaneously threw down palm branches and cried: “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.”

I am well acquainted with this part of the story. But yesterday, as I was reading my Bible, something less familiar jumped out at me. It comes right after Jesus has passed through the crowds and is approaching Jerusalem. As he looks down over the city- knowing what will ultimately transpire in the coming days – he begins to weep. Not for himself, but for the people who will ultimately reject him and his gift of Salvation.

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