The Daughter I Havent Met…Yet

The abdominal cramping started less than an hour into the trip home from my girl’s weekend away. I figured I was experiencing indigestion from the exceedingly rich and creamy entrée I had devoured at lunch. As we continued down the road, however, I quickly realized this was more than just a stomach ache. Sweat formed on my brow as my abdominal muscles continued to contract with increasing intensity. Then the nausea set in.

“Can you pull over?”

I stumbled out of the truck and dropped to my knees. I could feel the rough roadside gravel digging into my jeans as I hunched over and prepared to expel everything from my insides. Instead, I curled into the fetal position as another wave of pain coursed through my body. Continue reading

Overcoming Fear Through Faith

School is in full swing and a new chapter has begun in the Engelhart story. My oldest son started all day, every-day Kindergarten a couple of weeks ago.  His little brother, who is three, started preschool last week.  And I try not to do a happy dance every time I wave goodbye.  I can usually contain the impulse, until they are out of view!

It’s not that I don’t love my children. I really and truly do with all of my heart!  But this mama can use a reprieve from the chaos that seems to be my every-day existence.  And for two days a week, for three solid hours, it’s just me and my one year-old daughter.  It’s amazing how peaceful life can feel for a change. Continue reading

Boys Will Be Boys!

On any given day of the week, my sons are running around the house battling invisible dragons, having epic sword fights, and apprehending pretend bad guys with their toy guns blazing.  Yes, I actually let my boys play with plastic guns and run with sticks.  So far, no one has lost an eye or been impaled.

On a rare (or not so rare) occasion one, or both, of my little rug-rats will get smacked on the hand or the arm with whatever they are currently using as a weapon.  This usually results in a bout of tears, angry words exchanged, and time-outs administered.  Then, before I can blink, they are up and at it again, laughing and giggling and back to vanquishing their imaginary enemies once again. Continue reading